Source code for torch_points3d.datasets.segmentation.scannet

import os
import os.path as osp
import shutil
import json
import torch
from glob import glob
import sys
import csv
import logging
import numpy as np
from plyfile import PlyData, PlyElement
from import Data, InMemoryDataset, download_url, extract_zip
import torch_geometric.transforms as T
import multiprocessing
import pandas as pd

import tempfile
import urllib
from urllib.request import urlopen

from torch_points3d.datasets.base_dataset import BaseDataset
import torch_points3d.core.data_transform as cT
from . import IGNORE_LABEL

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Ref:
#                                                                                      #
#                                      Download script                                 #
#                                                                                      #

TOS_URL = BASE_URL + "ScanNet_TOS.pdf"
FILETYPES_TEST = [".sens", ".txt", "_vh_clean.ply", "_vh_clean_2.ply"]
TEST_FRAMES_FILE = ["", "610MB"]
LABEL_MAP_FILES = ["scannetv2-labels.combined.tsv", "scannet-labels.combined.tsv"]
RELEASES = ["v2/scans", "v1/scans"]
RELEASES_TASKS = ["v2/tasks", "v1/tasks"]
RELEASES_NAMES = ["v2", "v1"]
V1_IDX = 1
    "shower curtain",
VALID_CLASS_IDS = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 24, 28, 33, 34, 36, 39]

    0: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
    1: (174.0, 199.0, 232.0),
    2: (152.0, 223.0, 138.0),
    3: (31.0, 119.0, 180.0),
    4: (255.0, 187.0, 120.0),
    5: (188.0, 189.0, 34.0),
    6: (140.0, 86.0, 75.0),
    7: (255.0, 152.0, 150.0),
    8: (214.0, 39.0, 40.0),
    9: (197.0, 176.0, 213.0),
    10: (148.0, 103.0, 189.0),
    11: (196.0, 156.0, 148.0),
    12: (23.0, 190.0, 207.0),
    14: (247.0, 182.0, 210.0),
    15: (66.0, 188.0, 102.0),
    16: (219.0, 219.0, 141.0),
    17: (140.0, 57.0, 197.0),
    18: (202.0, 185.0, 52.0),
    19: (51.0, 176.0, 203.0),
    20: (200.0, 54.0, 131.0),
    21: (92.0, 193.0, 61.0),
    22: (78.0, 71.0, 183.0),
    23: (172.0, 114.0, 82.0),
    24: (255.0, 127.0, 14.0),
    25: (91.0, 163.0, 138.0),
    26: (153.0, 98.0, 156.0),
    27: (140.0, 153.0, 101.0),
    28: (158.0, 218.0, 229.0),
    29: (100.0, 125.0, 154.0),
    30: (178.0, 127.0, 135.0),
    32: (146.0, 111.0, 194.0),
    33: (44.0, 160.0, 44.0),
    34: (112.0, 128.0, 144.0),
    35: (96.0, 207.0, 209.0),
    36: (227.0, 119.0, 194.0),
    37: (213.0, 92.0, 176.0),
    38: (94.0, 106.0, 211.0),
    39: (82.0, 84.0, 163.0),
    40: (100.0, 85.0, 144.0),

SPLITS = ["train", "val", "test"]

MAX_NUM_POINTS = 1200000

def get_release_scans(release_file):
    scan_lines = urlopen(release_file)
    scans = []
    for scan_line in scan_lines:
        scan_id = scan_line.decode("utf8").rstrip("\n")
    return scans

def download_release(release_scans, out_dir, file_types, use_v1_sens):
    if len(release_scans) == 0:
        return"Downloading ScanNet " + RELEASE_NAME + " release to " + out_dir + "...")
    failed = []
    for scan_id in release_scans:
        scan_out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, scan_id)
            download_scan(scan_id, scan_out_dir, file_types, use_v1_sens)
            failed.append(scan_id)"Downloaded ScanNet " + RELEASE_NAME + " release.")
    if len(failed):
        log.warning("Failed downloads: {}".format(failed))

def download_file(url, out_file):
    out_dir = os.path.dirname(out_file)
    if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):
    if not os.path.isfile(out_file):"\t" + url + " > " + out_file)
        fh, out_file_tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=out_dir)
        f = os.fdopen(fh, "w")
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, out_file_tmp)
        # urllib.urlretrieve(url, out_file_tmp)
        os.rename(out_file_tmp, out_file)
        # log.warning("WARNING Skipping download of existing file " + out_file)

def download_scan(scan_id, out_dir, file_types, use_v1_sens):
    #"Downloading ScanNet " + RELEASE_NAME + " scan " + scan_id + " ...")
    if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):
    for ft in file_types:
        v1_sens = use_v1_sens and ft == ".sens"
        url = (
            BASE_URL + RELEASE + "/" + scan_id + "/" + scan_id + ft
            if not v1_sens
            else BASE_URL + RELEASES[V1_IDX] + "/" + scan_id + "/" + scan_id + ft
        out_file = out_dir + "/" + scan_id + ft
        download_file(url, out_file)
    #"Downloaded scan " + scan_id)

def download_label_map(out_dir):"Downloading ScanNet " + RELEASE_NAME + " label mapping file...")
    files = [LABEL_MAP_FILE]
    for file in files:
        url = BASE_URL + RELEASE_TASKS + "/" + file
        localpath = os.path.join(out_dir, file)
        localdir = os.path.dirname(localpath)
        if not os.path.isdir(localdir):
        download_file(url, localpath)"Downloaded ScanNet " + RELEASE_NAME + " label mapping file.")

#                                                                                      #
#                                      UTILS                                           #
#                                                                                      #

def represents_int(s):
    """ if string s represents an int. """
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False

def read_label_mapping(filename, label_from="raw_category", label_to="nyu40id"):
    assert os.path.isfile(filename)
    mapping = dict()
    with open(filename) as csvfile:
        reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter="\t")
        for row in reader:
            mapping[row[label_from]] = int(row[label_to])
    if represents_int(list(mapping.keys())[0]):
        mapping = {int(k): v for k, v in mapping.items()}
    return mapping

def read_mesh_vertices(filename):
    """read XYZ for each vertex."""
    assert os.path.isfile(filename)
    with open(filename, "rb") as f:
        plydata =
        num_verts = plydata["vertex"].count
        vertices = np.zeros(shape=[num_verts, 3], dtype=np.float32)
        vertices[:, 0] = plydata["vertex"].data["x"]
        vertices[:, 1] = plydata["vertex"].data["y"]
        vertices[:, 2] = plydata["vertex"].data["z"]
    return vertices

def read_mesh_vertices_rgb(filename):
    """read XYZ RGB for each vertex.
    Note: RGB values are in 0-255
    assert os.path.isfile(filename)
    with open(filename, "rb") as f:
        plydata =
        num_verts = plydata["vertex"].count
        vertices = np.zeros(shape=[num_verts, 6], dtype=np.float32)
        vertices[:, 0] = plydata["vertex"].data["x"]
        vertices[:, 1] = plydata["vertex"].data["y"]
        vertices[:, 2] = plydata["vertex"].data["z"]
        vertices[:, 3] = plydata["vertex"].data["red"]
        vertices[:, 4] = plydata["vertex"].data["green"]
        vertices[:, 5] = plydata["vertex"].data["blue"]
    return vertices

def read_aggregation(filename):
    assert os.path.isfile(filename)
    object_id_to_segs = {}
    label_to_segs = {}
    with open(filename) as f:
        data = json.load(f)
        num_objects = len(data["segGroups"])
        for i in range(num_objects):
            object_id = data["segGroups"][i]["objectId"] + 1  # instance ids should be 1-indexed
            label = data["segGroups"][i]["label"]
            segs = data["segGroups"][i]["segments"]
            object_id_to_segs[object_id] = segs
            if label in label_to_segs:
                label_to_segs[label] = segs
    return object_id_to_segs, label_to_segs

def read_segmentation(filename):
    assert os.path.isfile(filename)
    seg_to_verts = {}
    with open(filename) as f:
        data = json.load(f)
        num_verts = len(data["segIndices"])
        for i in range(num_verts):
            seg_id = data["segIndices"][i]
            if seg_id in seg_to_verts:
                seg_to_verts[seg_id] = [i]
    return seg_to_verts, num_verts

def export(mesh_file, agg_file, seg_file, meta_file, label_map_file, output_file=None):
    """points are XYZ RGB (RGB in 0-255),
    semantic label as nyu40 ids,
    instance label as 1-#instance,
    box as (cx,cy,cz,dx,dy,dz,semantic_label)
    label_map = read_label_mapping(label_map_file, label_from="raw_category", label_to="nyu40id")
    mesh_vertices = read_mesh_vertices_rgb(mesh_file)

    # Load scene axis alignment matrix
    lines = open(meta_file).readlines()
    for line in lines:
        if "axisAlignment" in line:
            axis_align_matrix = [float(x) for x in line.rstrip().strip("axisAlignment = ").split(" ")]
    axis_align_matrix = np.array(axis_align_matrix).reshape((4, 4))
    pts = np.ones((mesh_vertices.shape[0], 4))
    pts[:, 0:3] = mesh_vertices[:, 0:3]
    pts =, axis_align_matrix.transpose())  # Nx4
    mesh_vertices[:, 0:3] = pts[:, 0:3]

    # Load semantic and instance labels
    object_id_to_segs, label_to_segs = read_aggregation(agg_file)
    seg_to_verts, num_verts = read_segmentation(seg_file)
    label_ids = np.zeros(shape=(num_verts), dtype=np.uint32)  # 0: unannotated
    object_id_to_label_id = {}
    for label, segs in label_to_segs.items():
        label_id = label_map[label]
        for seg in segs:
            verts = seg_to_verts[seg]
            label_ids[verts] = label_id
    instance_ids = np.zeros(shape=(num_verts), dtype=np.uint32)  # 0: unannotated
    num_instances = len(np.unique(list(object_id_to_segs.keys())))
    for object_id, segs in object_id_to_segs.items():
        for seg in segs:
            verts = seg_to_verts[seg]
            instance_ids[verts] = object_id
            if object_id not in object_id_to_label_id:
                object_id_to_label_id[object_id] = label_ids[verts][0]
    instance_bboxes = np.zeros((num_instances, 7))
    for obj_id in object_id_to_segs:
        label_id = object_id_to_label_id[obj_id]
        obj_pc = mesh_vertices[instance_ids == obj_id, 0:3]
        if len(obj_pc) == 0:
        # Compute axis aligned box
        # An axis aligned bounding box is parameterized by
        # (cx,cy,cz) and (dx,dy,dz) and label id
        # where (cx,cy,cz) is the center point of the box,
        # dx is the x-axis length of the box.
        xmin = np.min(obj_pc[:, 0])
        ymin = np.min(obj_pc[:, 1])
        zmin = np.min(obj_pc[:, 2])
        xmax = np.max(obj_pc[:, 0])
        ymax = np.max(obj_pc[:, 1])
        zmax = np.max(obj_pc[:, 2])
        bbox = np.array(
                (xmin + xmax) / 2.0,
                (ymin + ymax) / 2.0,
                (zmin + zmax) / 2.0,
                xmax - xmin,
                ymax - ymin,
                zmax - zmin,
        # NOTE: this assumes obj_id is in 1,2,3,.,,,.NUM_INSTANCES
        instance_bboxes[obj_id - 1, :] = bbox

    return (

#                                                                                      #
#                          SCANNET InMemoryDataset DATASET                             #
#                                                                                      #

[docs]class Scannet(InMemoryDataset): """Scannet dataset, you will have to agree to terms and conditions by hitting enter so that it downloads the dataset. Parameters ---------- root : str Path to the data split : str, optional Split used (train, val or test) transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in an :obj:`` object and returns a transformed version. The data object will be transformed before every access. pre_transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in an :obj:`` object and returns a transformed version. The data object will be transformed before being saved to disk. pre_filter (callable, optional): A function that takes in an :obj:`` object and returns a boolean value, indicating whether the data object should be included in the final dataset. version : str, optional version of scannet, by default "v2" use_instance_labels : bool, optional Wether we use instance labels or not, by default False use_instance_bboxes : bool, optional Wether we use bounding box labels or not, by default False donotcare_class_ids : list, optional Class ids to be discarded max_num_point : [type], optional Max number of points to keep during the pre processing step use_multiprocessing : bool, optional Wether we use multiprocessing or not process_workers : int, optional Number of process workers normalize_rgb : bool, optional Normalise rgb values, by default True """ CLASS_LABELS = CLASS_LABELS URLS_METADATA = URLS_METADATA VALID_CLASS_IDS = VALID_CLASS_IDS SCANNET_COLOR_MAP = SCANNET_COLOR_MAP SPLITS = SPLITS def __init__( self, root, split="train", transform=None, pre_transform=None, pre_filter=None, version="v2", use_instance_labels=False, use_instance_bboxes=False, donotcare_class_ids=[], max_num_point=None, process_workers=4, types=[".txt", "_vh_clean_2.ply", "_vh_clean_2.0.010000.segs.json", ".aggregation.json"], normalize_rgb=True, is_test=False, ): assert self.SPLITS == ["train", "val", "test"] if not isinstance(donotcare_class_ids, list): raise Exception("donotcare_class_ids should be list with indices of class to ignore") self.donotcare_class_ids = donotcare_class_ids self.valid_class_idx = [idx for idx in self.VALID_CLASS_IDS if idx not in donotcare_class_ids] assert version in ["v2", "v1"], "The version should be either v1 or v2" self.version = version self.max_num_point = max_num_point self.use_instance_labels = use_instance_labels self.use_instance_bboxes = use_instance_bboxes self.use_multiprocessing = process_workers > 1 self.process_workers = process_workers self.types = types self.normalize_rgb = normalize_rgb self.is_test = is_test super().__init__(root, transform, pre_transform, pre_filter) if split == "train": path = self.processed_paths[0] elif split == "val": path = self.processed_paths[1] elif split == "test": path = self.processed_paths[2] else: raise ValueError((f"Split {split} found, but expected either " "train, val, or test")), self.slices = torch.load(path) if split != "test": if not use_instance_bboxes: delattr(, "instance_bboxes") if not use_instance_labels: delattr(, "instance_labels") = self._remap_labels( self.has_labels = True else: self.has_labels = False self.read_from_metadata() def get_raw_data(self, id_scan, remap_labels=True) -> Data: """Grabs the raw data associated with a scan index Parameters ---------- id_scan : int or torch.Tensor id of the scan remap_labels : bool, optional If True then labels are mapped to the range [IGNORE_LABELS:number of labels]. If using this method to compare ground truth against prediction then set remap_labels to True """ stage = if torch.is_tensor(id_scan): id_scan = int(id_scan.item()) assert stage in self.SPLITS mapping_idx_to_scan_names = getattr(self, "MAPPING_IDX_TO_SCAN_{}_NAMES".format(stage.upper())) scan_name = mapping_idx_to_scan_names[id_scan] path_to_raw_scan = os.path.join( self.processed_raw_paths[self.SPLITS.index(stage.lower())], "{}.pt".format(scan_name) ) data = torch.load(path_to_raw_scan) data.scan_name = scan_name data.path_to_raw_scan = path_to_raw_scan if self.has_labels and remap_labels: data.y = self._remap_labels(data.y) return data @property def raw_file_names(self): return ["metadata", "scans", "scannetv2-labels.combined.tsv"] @property def processed_file_names(self): return [ "{}.pt".format( s, ) for s in Scannet.SPLITS ] @property def processed_raw_paths(self): processed_raw_paths = [os.path.join(self.processed_dir, "raw_{}".format(s)) for s in Scannet.SPLITS] for p in processed_raw_paths: if not os.path.exists(p): os.makedirs(p) return processed_raw_paths @property def path_to_submission(self): root = os.getcwd() path_to_submission = os.path.join(root, "submission_labels") if not os.path.exists(path_to_submission): os.makedirs(path_to_submission) return path_to_submission @property def num_classes(self): return len(Scannet.VALID_CLASS_IDS) def download_scans(self): release_file = BASE_URL + RELEASE + ".txt" release_scans = get_release_scans(release_file) # release_scans = ["scene0191_00","scene0191_01", "scene0568_00", "scene0568_01"] file_types = FILETYPES release_test_file = BASE_URL + RELEASE + "_test.txt" release_test_scans = get_release_scans(release_test_file) file_types_test = FILETYPES_TEST out_dir_scans = os.path.join(self.raw_dir, "scans") out_dir_test_scans = os.path.join(self.raw_dir, "scans_test") if self.types: # download file type file_types = self.types for file_type in file_types: if file_type not in FILETYPES: log.error("ERROR: Invalid file type: " + file_type) return file_types_test = [] for file_type in file_types: if file_type in FILETYPES_TEST: file_types_test.append(file_type) download_label_map(self.raw_dir)"WARNING: You are downloading all ScanNet " + RELEASE_NAME + " scans of type " + file_types[0]) "Note that existing scan directories will be skipped. Delete partially downloaded directories to re-download." )"***")"Press any key to continue, or CTRL-C to exit.") input("") if self.version == "v2" and ".sens" in file_types: "Note: ScanNet v2 uses the same .sens files as ScanNet v1: Press 'n' to exclude downloading .sens files for each scan" ) key = input("") if key.strip().lower() == "n": file_types.remove(".sens") download_release(release_scans, out_dir_scans, file_types, use_v1_sens=True) if self.version == "v2": download_label_map(self.raw_dir) download_release(release_test_scans, out_dir_test_scans, file_types_test, use_v1_sens=True) # download_file(os.path.join(BASE_URL, RELEASE_TASKS, TEST_FRAMES_FILE[0]), os.path.join(out_dir_tasks, TEST_FRAMES_FILE[0])) def download(self): if self.is_test: return "By pressing any key to continue you confirm that you have agreed to the ScanNet terms of use as described at:" )"***")"Press any key to continue, or CTRL-C to exit.") input("") self.download_scans() metadata_path = osp.join(self.raw_dir, "metadata") if not os.path.exists(metadata_path): os.makedirs(metadata_path) for url in self.URLS_METADATA: _ = download_url(url, metadata_path) @staticmethod def read_one_test_scan(scannet_dir, scan_name, normalize_rgb): mesh_file = osp.join(scannet_dir, scan_name, scan_name + "_vh_clean_2.ply") mesh_vertices = read_mesh_vertices_rgb(mesh_file) data = {} data["pos"] = torch.from_numpy(mesh_vertices[:, :3]) data["rgb"] = torch.from_numpy(mesh_vertices[:, 3:]) if normalize_rgb: data["rgb"] /= 255.0 return Data(**data) @staticmethod def read_one_scan( scannet_dir, scan_name, label_map_file, donotcare_class_ids, max_num_point, obj_class_ids, normalize_rgb, ): mesh_file = osp.join(scannet_dir, scan_name, scan_name + "_vh_clean_2.ply") agg_file = osp.join(scannet_dir, scan_name, scan_name + ".aggregation.json") seg_file = osp.join(scannet_dir, scan_name, scan_name + "_vh_clean_2.0.010000.segs.json") meta_file = osp.join( scannet_dir, scan_name, scan_name + ".txt" ) # includes axisAlignment info for the train set scans. mesh_vertices, semantic_labels, instance_labels, instance_bboxes, instance2semantic = export( mesh_file, agg_file, seg_file, meta_file, label_map_file, None ) # Discard unwanted classes mask = np.logical_not(np.in1d(semantic_labels, donotcare_class_ids)) mesh_vertices = mesh_vertices[mask, :] semantic_labels = semantic_labels[mask] instance_labels = instance_labels[mask] bbox_mask = np.in1d(instance_bboxes[:, -1], obj_class_ids) instance_bboxes = instance_bboxes[bbox_mask, :] # Subsample N = mesh_vertices.shape[0] if max_num_point: if N > max_num_point: choices = np.random.choice(N, max_num_point, replace=False) mesh_vertices = mesh_vertices[choices, :] semantic_labels = semantic_labels[choices] instance_labels = instance_labels[choices] # Build data container data = {} data["pos"] = torch.from_numpy(mesh_vertices[:, :3]) data["rgb"] = torch.from_numpy(mesh_vertices[:, 3:]) if normalize_rgb: data["rgb"] /= 255.0 data["y"] = torch.from_numpy(semantic_labels) data["x"] = None data["instance_labels"] = torch.from_numpy(instance_labels) data["instance_bboxes"] = torch.from_numpy(instance_bboxes) return Data(**data) def read_from_metadata(self): metadata_path = osp.join(self.raw_dir, "metadata") self.label_map_file = osp.join(metadata_path, LABEL_MAP_FILE) split_files = ["scannetv2_{}.txt".format(s) for s in Scannet.SPLITS] self.scan_names = [] for sf in split_files: f = open(osp.join(metadata_path, sf)) self.scan_names.append(sorted([line.rstrip() for line in f])) f.close() for idx_split, split in enumerate(Scannet.SPLITS): idx_mapping = {idx: scan_name for idx, scan_name in enumerate(self.scan_names[idx_split])} setattr(self, "MAPPING_IDX_TO_SCAN_{}_NAMES".format(split.upper()), idx_mapping) @staticmethod def process_func( id_scan, total, scannet_dir, scan_name, label_map_file, donotcare_class_ids, max_num_point, obj_class_ids, normalize_rgb, split, ): if split == "test": data = Scannet.read_one_test_scan(scannet_dir, scan_name, normalize_rgb) else: data = Scannet.read_one_scan( scannet_dir, scan_name, label_map_file, donotcare_class_ids, max_num_point, obj_class_ids, normalize_rgb, )"{}/{}| scan_name: {}, data: {}".format(id_scan, total, scan_name, data)) data["id_scan"] = torch.tensor([id_scan]) return cT.SaveOriginalPosId()(data) def process(self): if self.is_test: return self.read_from_metadata() scannet_dir = osp.join(self.raw_dir, "scans") for i, (scan_names, split) in enumerate(zip(self.scan_names, self.SPLITS)): if not os.path.exists(self.processed_paths[i]): mapping_idx_to_scan_names = getattr(self, "MAPPING_IDX_TO_SCAN_{}_NAMES".format(split.upper())) scannet_dir = osp.join(self.raw_dir, "scans" if split in ["train", "val"] else "scans_test") total = len(scan_names) args = [ ( id, total, scannet_dir, scan_name, self.label_map_file, self.donotcare_class_ids, self.max_num_point, self.VALID_CLASS_IDS, self.normalize_rgb, split, ) for id, scan_name in enumerate(scan_names) ] if self.use_multiprocessing: with multiprocessing.get_context("spawn").Pool(processes=self.process_workers) as pool: datas = pool.starmap(Scannet.process_func, args) else: datas = [] for arg in args: data = Scannet.process_func(*arg) datas.append(data) for data in datas: id_scan = int(data.id_scan.item()) scan_name = mapping_idx_to_scan_names[id_scan] path_to_raw_scan = os.path.join(self.processed_raw_paths[i], "{}.pt".format(scan_name)), path_to_raw_scan) if self.pre_transform: datas = [self.pre_transform(data) for data in datas]"SAVING TO {}".format(self.processed_paths[i])), self.processed_paths[i]) def _remap_labels(self, semantic_label): """Remaps labels to [0 ; num_labels -1]. Can be overriden.""" new_labels = semantic_label.clone() mapping_dict = {indice: idx for idx, indice in enumerate(self.valid_class_idx)} for idx in range(NUM_CLASSES): if idx not in mapping_dict: mapping_dict[idx] = IGNORE_LABEL for idx in self.donotcare_class_ids: mapping_dict[idx] = IGNORE_LABEL for source, target in mapping_dict.items(): mask = semantic_label == source new_labels[mask] = target broken_labels = new_labels >= len(self.valid_class_idx) new_labels[broken_labels] = IGNORE_LABEL return new_labels def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, len(self))
[docs]class ScannetDataset(BaseDataset): """Wrapper around Scannet that creates train and test datasets. Parameters ---------- dataset_opt: omegaconf.DictConfig Config dictionary that should contain - dataroot - version - max_num_point (optional) - use_instance_labels (optional) - use_instance_bboxes (optional) - donotcare_class_ids (optional) - pre_transforms (optional) - train_transforms (optional) - val_transforms (optional) """ SPLITS = SPLITS def __init__(self, dataset_opt): super().__init__(dataset_opt) use_instance_labels: bool = dataset_opt.use_instance_labels use_instance_bboxes: bool = dataset_opt.use_instance_bboxes donotcare_class_ids: [] = dataset_opt.donotcare_class_ids if dataset_opt.donotcare_class_ids else [] max_num_point: int = dataset_opt.max_num_point if dataset_opt.max_num_point is not None else None process_workers: int = dataset_opt.process_workers if dataset_opt.process_workers else 0 is_test: bool = dataset_opt.is_test if dataset_opt.is_test is not None else False self.train_dataset = Scannet( self._data_path, split="train", pre_transform=self.pre_transform, transform=self.train_transform, version=dataset_opt.version, use_instance_labels=use_instance_labels, use_instance_bboxes=use_instance_bboxes, donotcare_class_ids=donotcare_class_ids, max_num_point=max_num_point, process_workers=process_workers, is_test=is_test, ) self.val_dataset = Scannet( self._data_path, split="val", transform=self.val_transform, pre_transform=self.pre_transform, version=dataset_opt.version, use_instance_labels=use_instance_labels, use_instance_bboxes=use_instance_bboxes, donotcare_class_ids=donotcare_class_ids, max_num_point=max_num_point, process_workers=process_workers, is_test=is_test, ) self.test_dataset = Scannet( self._data_path, split="test", transform=self.val_transform, pre_transform=self.pre_transform, version=dataset_opt.version, use_instance_labels=use_instance_labels, use_instance_bboxes=use_instance_bboxes, donotcare_class_ids=donotcare_class_ids, max_num_point=max_num_point, process_workers=process_workers, is_test=is_test, ) @property def path_to_submission(self): return self.train_dataset.path_to_submission def get_tracker(self, wandb_log: bool, tensorboard_log: bool): """Factory method for the tracker Arguments: dataset {[type]} wandb_log - Log using weight and biases Returns: [BaseTracker] -- tracker """ from torch_points3d.metrics.scannet_segmentation_tracker import ScannetSegmentationTracker return ScannetSegmentationTracker( self, wandb_log=wandb_log, use_tensorboard=tensorboard_log, ignore_label=IGNORE_LABEL )