Source code for torch_points3d.core.data_transform.features

from typing import List, Optional
from import tqdm as tq
import itertools
import numpy as np
import math
import re
import torch
import random
from torch.nn import functional as F
from functools import partial

from torch_geometric.nn import fps, radius, knn, voxel_grid
from torch_geometric.nn.pool.consecutive import consecutive_cluster
from torch_geometric.nn.pool.pool import pool_pos, pool_batch
from torch_scatter import scatter_add, scatter_mean
from import Data, Batch
from torch_points3d.datasets.multiscale_data import MultiScaleData
from torch_points3d.utils.transform_utils import SamplingStrategy
from torch_points3d.utils.config import is_list
from torch_points3d.utils import is_iterable
from torch_points3d.utils.geometry import euler_angles_to_rotation_matrix

[docs]class Random3AxisRotation(object): """ Rotate pointcloud with random angles along x, y, z axis The angles should be given `in degrees`. Parameters ----------- apply_rotation: bool: Whether to apply the rotation rot_x: float Rotation angle in degrees on x axis rot_y: float Rotation anglei n degrees on y axis rot_z: float Rotation angle in degrees on z axis """ def __init__(self, apply_rotation: bool = True, rot_x: float = None, rot_y: float = None, rot_z: float = None): self._apply_rotation = apply_rotation if apply_rotation: if (rot_x is None) and (rot_y is None) and (rot_z is None): raise Exception("At least one rot_ should be defined") self._rot_x = np.abs(rot_x) if rot_x else 0 self._rot_y = np.abs(rot_y) if rot_y else 0 self._rot_z = np.abs(rot_z) if rot_z else 0 self._degree_angles = [self._rot_x, self._rot_y, self._rot_z] def generate_random_rotation_matrix(self): thetas = torch.zeros(3, dtype=torch.float) for axis_ind, deg_angle in enumerate(self._degree_angles): if deg_angle > 0: rand_deg_angle = random.random() * 2 * deg_angle - deg_angle rand_radian_angle = float(rand_deg_angle * np.pi) / 180.0 thetas[axis_ind] = rand_radian_angle return euler_angles_to_rotation_matrix(thetas, random_order=True) def __call__(self, data): if self._apply_rotation: pos = data.pos.float() M = self.generate_random_rotation_matrix() data.pos = pos @ M.T if getattr(data, "norm", None) is not None: data.norm = data.norm.float() @ M.T return data def __repr__(self): return "{}(apply_rotation={}, rot_x={}, rot_y={}, rot_z={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self._apply_rotation, self._rot_x, self._rot_y, self._rot_z )
class RandomTranslation(object): """ random translation Parameters ----------- delta_min: list min translation delta_max: list max translation """ def __init__(self, delta_max: List = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], delta_min: List = [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0]): self.delta_max = torch.tensor(delta_max) self.delta_min = torch.tensor(delta_min) def __call__(self, data): pos = data.pos trans = torch.rand(3) * (self.delta_max - self.delta_min) + self.delta_min data.pos = pos + trans return data def __repr__(self): return "{}(delta_min={}, delta_max={})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.delta_min, self.delta_max)
[docs]class AddFeatsByKeys(object): """This transform takes a list of attributes names and if allowed, add them to x Example: Before calling "AddFeatsByKeys", if data.x was empty - transform: AddFeatsByKeys params: list_add_to_x: [False, True, True] feat_names: ['normal', 'rgb', "elevation"] input_nc_feats: [3, 3, 1] After calling "AddFeatsByKeys", data.x contains "rgb" and "elevation". Its shape[-1] == 4 (rgb:3 + elevation:1) If input_nc_feats was [4, 4, 1], it would raise an exception as rgb dimension is only 3. Paremeters ---------- list_add_to_x: List[bool] For each boolean within list_add_to_x, control if the associated feature is going to be concatenated to x feat_names: List[str] The list of features within data to be added to x input_nc_feats: List[int], optional If provided, evaluate the dimension of the associated feature shape[-1] found using feat_names and this provided value. It allows to make sure feature dimension didn't change stricts: List[bool], optional Recommended to be set to list of True. If True, it will raise an Exception if feat isn't found or dimension doesn t match. delete_feats: List[bool], optional Wether we want to delete the feature from the data object. List length must match teh number of features added. """ def __init__( self, list_add_to_x: List[bool], feat_names: List[str], input_nc_feats: List[Optional[int]] = None, stricts: List[bool] = None, delete_feats: List[bool] = None, ): self._feat_names = feat_names self._list_add_to_x = list_add_to_x self._delete_feats = delete_feats if self._delete_feats: assert len(self._delete_feats) == len(self._feat_names) from torch_geometric.transforms import Compose num_names = len(feat_names) if num_names == 0: raise Exception("Expected to have at least one feat_names") assert len(list_add_to_x) == num_names if input_nc_feats: assert len(input_nc_feats) == num_names else: input_nc_feats = [None for _ in range(num_names)] if stricts: assert len(stricts) == num_names else: stricts = [True for _ in range(num_names)] transforms = [ AddFeatByKey(add_to_x, feat_name, input_nc_feat=input_nc_feat, strict=strict) for add_to_x, feat_name, input_nc_feat, strict in zip(list_add_to_x, feat_names, input_nc_feats, stricts) ] self.transform = Compose(transforms) def __call__(self, data): data = self.transform(data) if self._delete_feats: for feat_name, delete_feat in zip(self._feat_names, self._delete_feats): if delete_feat: delattr(data, feat_name) return data def __repr__(self): msg = "" for f, a in zip(self._feat_names, self._list_add_to_x): msg += "{}={}, ".format(f, a) return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, msg[:-2])
[docs]class AddFeatByKey(object): """This transform is responsible to get an attribute under feat_name and add it to x if add_to_x is True Paremeters ---------- add_to_x: bool Control if the feature is going to be added/concatenated to x feat_name: str The feature to be found within data to be added/concatenated to x input_nc_feat: int, optional If provided, check if feature last dimension maches provided value. strict: bool, optional Recommended to be set to True. If False, it won't break if feat isn't found or dimension doesn t match. (default: ``True``) """ def __init__(self, add_to_x, feat_name, input_nc_feat=None, strict=True): self._add_to_x: bool = add_to_x self._feat_name: str = feat_name self._input_nc_feat = input_nc_feat self._strict: bool = strict def __call__(self, data: Data): if not self._add_to_x: return data feat = getattr(data, self._feat_name, None) if feat is None: if self._strict: raise Exception("Data should contain the attribute {}".format(self._feat_name)) else: return data else: if self._input_nc_feat: feat_dim = 1 if feat.dim() == 1 else feat.shape[-1] if self._input_nc_feat != feat_dim and self._strict: raise Exception("The shape of feat: {} doesn t match {}".format(feat.shape, self._input_nc_feat)) x = getattr(data, "x", None) if x is None: if self._strict and data.pos.shape[0] != feat.shape[0]: raise Exception("We expected to have an attribute x") if feat.dim() == 1: feat = feat.unsqueeze(-1) data.x = feat else: if x.shape[0] == feat.shape[0]: if x.dim() == 1: x = x.unsqueeze(-1) if feat.dim() == 1: feat = feat.unsqueeze(-1) data.x =[x, feat], dim=-1) else: raise Exception( "The tensor x and {} can't be concatenated, x: {}, feat: {}".format( self._feat_name, x.pos.shape[0], feat.pos.shape[0] ) ) return data def __repr__(self): return "{}(add_to_x: {}, feat_name: {}, strict: {})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self._add_to_x, self._feat_name, self._strict )
[docs]def compute_planarity(eigenvalues): r""" compute the planarity with respect to the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of the pointcloud let :math:`\lambda_1, \lambda_2, \lambda_3` be the eigenvalues st: .. math:: \lambda_1 \leq \lambda_2 \leq \lambda_3 then planarity is defined as: .. math:: planarity = \frac{\lambda_2 - \lambda_1}{\lambda_3} """ return (eigenvalues[1] - eigenvalues[0]) / eigenvalues[2]
class NormalFeature(object): """ add normal as feature. if it doesn't exist, compute normals using PCA """ def __call__(self, data): if getattr(data, "norm", None) is None: raise NotImplementedError("TODO: Implement normal computation") norm = data.norm if data.x is None: data.x = norm else: data.x =[data.x, norm], -1) return data
[docs]class PCACompute(object): r""" compute `Principal Component Analysis <>`__ of a point cloud :math:`x_1,\dots, x_n`. It computes the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of the matrix :math:`C` which is the covariance matrix of the point cloud: .. math:: x_{centered} &= \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n x_i C &= \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n (x_i - x_{centered})(x_i - x_{centered})^T store the eigen values and the eigenvectors in data. in eigenvalues attribute and eigenvectors attributes. data.eigenvalues is a tensor :math:`(\lambda_1, \lambda_2, \lambda_3)` such that :math:`\lambda_1 \leq \lambda_2 \leq \lambda_3`. data.eigenvectors is a 3 x 3 matrix such that the column are the eigenvectors associated to their eigenvalues Therefore, the first column of data.eigenvectors estimates the normal at the center of the pointcloud. """ def __call__(self, data): pos_centered = data.pos - data.pos.mean(axis=0) cov_matrix = / len(pos_centered) eig, v = torch.symeig(cov_matrix, eigenvectors=True) data.eigenvalues = eig data.eigenvectors = v return data def __repr__(self): return "{}()".format(self.__class__.__name__)
class AddOnes(object): """ Add ones tensor to data """ def __call__(self, data): num_nodes = data.pos.shape[0] data.ones = torch.ones((num_nodes, 1)).float() return data def __repr__(self): return "{}()".format(self.__class__.__name__) class XYZFeature(object): """ Add the X, Y and Z as a feature Parameters ----------- add_x: bool [default: False] whether we add the x position or not add_y: bool [default: False] whether we add the y position or not add_z: bool [default: True] whether we add the z position or not """ def __init__(self, add_x=False, add_y=False, add_z=True): self._axis = [] axis_names = ["x", "y", "z"] if add_x: self._axis.append(0) if add_y: self._axis.append(1) if add_z: self._axis.append(2) self._axis_names = [axis_names[idx_axis] for idx_axis in self._axis] def __call__(self, data): assert data.pos is not None for axis_name, id_axis in zip(self._axis_names, self._axis): f = data.pos[:, id_axis].clone() setattr(data, "pos_{}".format(axis_name), f) return data def __repr__(self): return "{}(axis={})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._axis_names)